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We are looking for volunteers to help with botanical surveys on a selection of upland hay meadows that have been restored through seed addition between the third week of June until late July. Groups of 2/3 volunteers will undertake 15 quadrats (1m x 1m square) per meadow. One meadow with 15 quadrats may take between 1-2 days.

There are 3 days of free training for beginner’s, and also botanists wishing to refresh their skills. We require a minimum involvement of 1 full day of helping to survey a meadow following the training.

Beginners should attend all three days, if possible. More experienced botanists can choose which days to attend based on their previous experience. Volunteers need to sign-up to each of these 3 training days separately:

Day 1: Wildflower Identification training, Thursday 6 June.
Day 2: Grasses and sedges Identification training, Thursday 13 June.
Day 3: Botanical surveys using quadrats training, Thursday 20 June.

The morning will be spent at Bowlees Visitor Centre. In the afternoon there will be a botany walk along The Pennine Way. The training will be undertaken by Ruth Starr-Keddle, if you have any queries, please email: ruth@northpennines.org.uk.

Please sign up using the Better Impact volunteer system


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