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Event Series Event Series: Hedge and tree planting

Help us to create more space for nature and improve habitat connectivity by planting trees and hedgerows on farms across Teesdale this winter.

There are various dates available to volunteer. Friday 29 and Saturday 30 November. Tuesday 3, Friday 13 December. Dates for 2025 are Saturday 19 January, Saturday 22, Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 February, 10am to 3.30pm.

All training and equipment will be provided. Please wear outdoor clothing, bring waterproofs and wear boots with a sturdy sole. The activity is open to all but a general level of fitness needed. All children must be supervised by an adult.

A light lunch will be provided but please bring any drinks and snacks. You are welcome to leave earlier if needed. Volunteer opportunities may be postponed due to weather conditions, any changes will be communicated at least 24 hours before the event where possible.
Please contact William: william@northpennines.org.uk for more information or if you have a query.

Please sign up using the Better Impact volunteer system


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