
Meet the artists: Lionel Playford

Meet the artists: Lionel Playford

We asked each of the artists involved in the North Pennines Art Week about their work and what inspires them. Here’s what Lionel Playford, who is based in the Eden Valley, had to say.

How did you get into art?

As a child I always loved drawing and along with painting it was a daily activity until I left home. I had a very successful 10-year career in naval architecture and shipbuilding but I really missed my practice of art so took the plunge (in income) and went to art school at the age of 27 with some romantic notion of what the life of an artist is like. I’ve tried many things since but landscape remains the main subject for my drawing and painting.

What do you find inspiring about working in the North Pennines?

The feeling of space and its peacefulness (most of the time). The mining history was another draw. Limestone and waterfalls. It feels like an ancient almost otherworldly place at times. Up on the peat moors it can feel like being on the ocean in an odd way- not a cosy place but dramatic with the big skies and the rough surface of moss, tussocks and heather.

Artist Susanna Heath

What are your favourite places to work?

Yad Moss overlooking Cross Fell, Dryburn Moor by the chimneys looking out into Northumberland, the views from Hartside across the vale of Eden to the lake District and Scotland, and above Garrigill facing Black Band with Cross Fell beyond.

What would be your top tip for anyone just getting started with art?

Draw anything and everything and don’t be put off by your early results if they aren’t up to your high expectations! Attend one of my courses at Higham Hall College near Bassenthwaite or at Lund Fine Art in North Yorkshire. Alternatively book a bespoke course at my studio in Garrigill!

Anything else you’d like to tell us about?

Sue Sharpe near Alston makes the most beautiful pottery inspired by living in the North Pennines.

Find out more about Lionel’s work on his website:

See some of his work from this week on his Instagram:

Lionel is out and about on Dryburn Moor on 31 July-1 August and Epiacum Roman Fort on 10-12 August (postponed from the Art Week due to bad weather), and giving an online evening talk about art and climate science on Friday 6 August.