What we do

Nana Bainbridge’s Pockets

Nana Bainbridge’s Pockets – Pull Outs and Hiding Places

This project, by The Clifford Movement, is about hand me down heritage. It will unearth history and bring the past alive in Melmerby and the surrounding villages through a series of events, and the process will also begin to build a community archive of written histories and ephemera.

The first event, held on Sunday 12 September at Melmerby village hall, introduced the project and Nana Bainbridge. Led by two of Nana’s granddaughters, Gwen and June, the past was brought alive through their own reminiscences, Nana’s secret farm diaries and what they tell us about life in the Eden Valley during the 1930s, journals, photographs, recipes, vintage items and songs. Dawn presented her story boxes and cultural objects, made to connect people with authentic voices from Cumbria Archives and the local landscape.

The artists will hold a series of workshops at Melmerby village hall, using interactive techniques to engage and support participants in creating story boxes, junk journals, story spoons, and memory books in response to their own hand me down heritage.

Workshop 1: Story boxes with Dawn Hurton
Sunday 17 October, 1-4pm

The workshop will explore how to capture and shape a memorable story in a box. Participants will  make and use collage and cut paper techniques and tap into their creative power to create a box of their own. The workshop will take place at Melmerby village hall.
Email Dawn for further information.

Book a place.

Workshop 2: Porcelain Story Spoons with Gwen Bainbridge
Sunday 24 October, 1-4pm

You will be guided through making your very own porcelain spoon depicting either a person, event or location that is special to you. No experience is necessary, just bring an idea you’d like to create within a spoon. The workshop will take place at Melmerby village hall.
Email Gwen for further information.

Book a place.

Workshop 3: Memory Books-Junk Journals with June Swift
Sunday 14 November, 1-4pm

A junk journal can be many things – an everyday journal, a planner, a memory book, a personalised gift, a themed book or an art journal, to name but a few. In this workshop, we’ll breathe new life into an old book and re-write the story within, using some found and recycled materials. The workshop will take place at Melmerby village hall.
Email June for further information.

Book a place.

Grand Finale: Nana B’s Celebratory Shindig
Sunday 12 December, 7pm

An evening of song and celebration at Melmerby village hall to share the collections created over a cuppa and cake.

Book your ticket here.

The Clifford Movement are Dawn Hurton, Gwen Bainbridge and June Swift.

Gwen Bainbridge, a professional ceramic designer/maker who has exhibited and demonstrated around the UK and Europe and runs regular courses and projects. She writes and performs songs and spoken word linked to her own response to local heritage.

June Swift has a love of ‘hand me down heritage’, books, history, and, as a farmer’s daughter, rural life and the land. Her fascination is with people and the way their tales weave intricate strands in life’s tapestry, and, working in both schools & libraries, she’s seen & heard some stories!

Dawn Hurton has worked in the arts for the past 23 years including roles co-ordinating and delivering the outreach for Cumbria Archive Service and developing Cumbria’s Libraries as creative hubs.  Samples of her work as a professional artist can be found on Instagram @dawnhurtonartist

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