
North Pennine Birdwalks 8: Cowshill (Weardale)

North Pennine Birdwalks 8:
Cowshill (Weardale)

The pastures and allotments in Upper Weardale form a distinctive fringe around the edge of the heather moorland. Typically tussocky with clumps of rushes, these grasslands are an important nesting habitat for wading birds and large numbers can be seen and heard during the breeding season. The adjacent moorland is home to red grouse and golden plover and may sometimes be graced by the presence of a short-eared owl.

Start location: Starting from the car park at Cowshill (NY 856 406).
Terrain: Boggy ground, off-road sections, on-road sections.
Distance: 2km/5.6 miles (in total)
There is car parking, public transport and a pub nearby.

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