
Packhorse trails (mountain biking)

Packhorse trails for mountain bikers

Mountain bikers (and horse riders) looking for great ways to explore the North Pennines are in for a treat with the development of five rides taking in the very best of the area’s amazing scenery.

The routes are all based on 18th century packhorse trails, once used to transport lead and other goods to far-off towns.

Stunning routes

  • Alston – a gently undulating 18 mile (29km) circular ride through the Nent and South Tyne Valleys
  • Baldersdale – travel 11 miles (18km) along Baldersdale, with woodland, moorland and a superb stretch along Hury and Blackton Reservoirs
  • Blanchland – a 13 mile (21km) ride high up over the moors above the beautiful Derwent Valley
  • Hamsterley – enjoy a 16 mile (26km) tour of spectacular open moorland, before dropping down to the River Tees itself
  • Hartside – a challenging 7 miles (11km) of steep climbs and descents starting at the Hartside Café

Get your guide

The packhorse trails mountain biking routes guide is available from the North Pennines AONB Partnership – it costs £6 (plus p+p). Please make sure you specify whether you’d like the mountain biking or horse riding guide (note: the routes are the same in each guide but they are written specifically for the different riders).

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