What we do

The Peatland Code

The Peatland Code

Through the Pennine PeatLIFE project we are working with the International Union for Conservation of Nature UK (IUCN UK) Peatland Programme to trial and help develop the UK Peatland Code. The Peatland Code will complement public sector funding by:

  1. attracting private investment under corporate social responsibility initiatives;
  2. assuring carbon buyers that climate benefits are real, quantifiable and long term;
  3. demonstrating restoration techniques across the project area; and encouraging landowners and managers to adopt blanket bog conservation measures.

The Peatland Code is a voluntary standard for UK peatland projects wishing to market the climate benefit of restoration. It sets out a series of best practice requirements including a standard method of quantification which when validated by an independent body will give assurance to buyers that their purchase will return verifiable climate benefit over the project duration.

The Peatland Code is currently designed to facilitate private investment motivated by corporate social responsibility. It is not intended for use in carbon offset schemes, corporate carbon reporting or to be traded on international carbon markets.

In collaboration with IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Pennine PeatLIFE has produced three UK Peatland Code leaflets which have been written to inform the different aspects of creating peatland code projects that lead to the certification and sale of carbon credits.  Geared towards the buyer, seller and developer of peatland code projects these leaflets are designed to help navigate the peatland code process.

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