
Art in the Landscape

Art in the Landscape in our AONBs 

Art in the Landscape is an exciting project run jointly by the AONB Network and the National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NAAONB).

Each of us has our own personal relationship with our most beloved landscapes. We interpret and bring meaning to them according to our previous experience and interests. Landform becomes landscape when we interact with it and its layers of nature, culture, heritage. Art brings a new dimension to this and gives us the opportunity to reconnect in new ways. It can form an invitation for more people to connect with these special places, protected by the nation for everyone.

Recognising this, the AONB Network launched the Art in the Landscape project in 2019. The NAAONB secured £15,000 from Arts Council England to commission the development of an arts strategy and training programme for AONB staff to learn more about working with artists, sharing best practice from across the network and beyond. This was delivered by Dorset-based Activate performing arts.

The North Pennines AONB Partnership has endorsed the Art in the Landscape strategy – read about our aspirations for art across the AONB family.

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