
Cumbria county wildlife sites

Cumbria County Wildlife Sites need your help

The Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme area is home to 20 County Wildlife Sites. These are the most important biological sites in Cumbria, outside statutorily protected nature conservation sites, such as SSSIs and National Nature Reserves. However, very little is known about these vital havens for nature, and many have not been surveyed for over fifty years.

With funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund through Fellfoot Forward LPS, Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, and the North Pennines AONB Partnership are working together to survey twenty County Wildlife Sites in this part of Cumbria. With expert training, volunteers hope to visit each of these County Wildlife Sites and carry out a comprehensive survey of the plants and habitats present. The data will be held by Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre and will help us protect and enhance these sites for the future.

We need your help:
Do you own or know a County Wildlife Site? Please get in touch so that we can work with landowners to arrange a survey.
Would you like to help us survey County Wildlife Sites this summer? The next survey dates are 9, 15, and 30 June, locations to be confirmed. Please email Stuart Colgate at Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre for more information.

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