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Join us at Bowlees Tree and Wildflower Nursery on 29 May, 10am to 1pm, for a session of collecting Wych Elm seeds from around the visitor centre and sowing them into pots.

Seeds will be sown and grown on at the Bowlees Tree & Wildflower Nursery before being planted out into sites in Teesdale.

All ages are welcome, children must be supervised by adult. Outdoor clothing should be worn and please bring waterproofs and wear sturdy shoes.

For more information contact Patrick: patrick@northpennines.org.uk.

The session going ahead on this date is dependent upon seasonal variations in the ripening of seeds. If the session does have to be re-scheduled this information will be sent out to all who have signed up.

This event is part of North Pennines NatureFest running from Saturday 24 May to Sunday 9 June 2024. See the full programme at www.NorthPenninesNatureFest.org.uk #NorthPenninesNatureFest24

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