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We are looking for volunteers to help us dig up and remove the invasive plant garden lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis) from an Upper Teesdale beck on Friday 9 August , 10am to 4pm.

This area of Upper Teesdale is especially important for the population of rare native plants that are found there. If the garden lady’s mantle is left to set seed, it poses a risk of spreading to further sites and possibly out competing and replacing the native plant communities there.

With your help, we are hoping to reduce the spread of garden lady’s mantle before it can continue spreading downstream, affecting other sites. The work site will be along the course of a beck so the terrain is expected to be rocky and potentially slippy. We may be working in the beck at times so please wear sturdy waterproof footwear. Wear outdoor clothing and bring waterproofs. Gloves, and tools will be provided on the day. This activity requires a good level of fitness as well as the ability to navigate uneven terrain.

Please sign up using the Better Impact volunteer system.


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