
Exhibition: Birds and Beasts

Exhibition: Birds and Beasts

‘Birds and Beasts’, an exhibition of work by artist, Holly Magdalene Scott, is on display at the North Pennines AONB Partnership’s Bowlees Visitor Centre during May 2022.

The exhibition of hand-coloured linocut prints celebrates the wildlife of Teesdale and was inspired by Holly’s walks and wildlife observations in the North Pennines AONB and UNESCO Global Geopark.

Holly said: “My practice begins with walking, much of which I do within the AONB. I like to be completely immersed in the environment and spend many hours wandering and documenting my experiences through photography. These experiences inform my ink drawings, writing and ultimately the linocut prints that I carve in my studio in Middleton, from which I am lucky enough to be surrounded by bird life and enjoy scenic views of Kirk Carrion. Nature plays a large part in my daily life and inner world, so I find it hugely beneficial to my artwork to live within the area which will never cease to inspire me.”

Simon Wilson, Business Manager at the North Pennines AONB Partnership, said: “We hope that the artists we host in the exhibition space at Bowlees will inspire our visitors to make a deeper connection with the nature and landscape around them. Holly’s work reflects her passion for wildlife and nature, and we are sure that our visitors will enjoy their experience of the exhibition.”

Bowlees Visitor Centre is open daily from 10am to 5pm. Visit for more information.

More information on Holly’s work can be found at: Facebook/ThingsOfWonder.HollyMScott and Instragram/thingsofwonder

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