
Field recording and environmental listening workshop in north Cumbria

Field recording and environmental listening workshop in the Fellfoot Forward area

In early May 2023 internationally renowned sound artists, Chris Watson and Tim Shaw, led a group of artists and practitioners, who live or work in the Fellfoot Forward scheme area, in a practical field recording workshop.

This special event took place on high moorland near Talkin and Forest Head in north Cumbria. Participants were not required to have any previous knowledge and gained hands-on experience of the craft of field recording, location sound, and new ways of listening to our shared sound-scapes.

The workshop started with an afternoon/evening workshop, followed by an early morning dawn chorus recording, and ended with a group breakfast. Activities included sound walking, recording techniques, microphone placement, environmental listening, and extended field recording approaches to collect sounds of nature and wildlife from the area.

Hear more about the workshop from the sound artists and participants in our video.

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