
Mindfulness at Talkin Tarn

Mindfulness at Talkin Tarn

25 January 2024

Fellfoot Forward blog by Sam Tranter, Community Engagement Officer

On a very cold and frost January morning last week, some of the North Pennines National Landscape team gathered at Talkin Tarn. However, this was a meeting with a difference. We met Leigh Rutherford who runs Nirvora, she is a fully qualified mindfulness guide. Leigh had agreed to lead us on a mindful walk around the tarn. The sun shone golden on the frozen edges of the tarn and dazzling diamond light danced on the water amongst the calls of a myriad of waterfowl. It could not have been more of a beautiful setting to embark on a special sensory journey, in a setting we all know well.

What is mindfulness? Simply put it is about focussing your awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting any feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations. Of course, that’s easier said than done but with Leigh’s help, we were guided through a series of mindful practices such as earthing, where you focus on your connection to the earth’s surface, through your feet or by sitting against a tree. Over the course of the 90 minutes, we were journeying in a familiar setting in a completely new way and for me, it was wonderful.

Walking along the path in single file we were asked to think about which of our senses felt most prominent, for me I found the sounds like the crunch of our feet on the icy puddles and the haunting call of a moorhen, really stood out. My hearing seemed much more acute and though my thoughts danced here and there I remembered that Leigh suggested to not worry about what she calls the ‘puppy mind’ but just to gently refer to her invitation to absorb all that I was hearing around me.

Arriving at the NEST skygazing roundhouse we took our seats for another guided meditation. It gave a new dimension to our quiet contemplation, this time noticing sounds near and far, the sound of my breathing, a plane way overhead and the murmur of conversation of passers-by. It felt so peaceful and safe within the natural wood shelter but with the open sky above us. As it was below freezing, we were pleased that the return journey took us back in sunshine and a chance to reflect on our experiences. We are normally quite a noisy lot but I noted the relaxed and easy quiet that we retained in respect of the calm that had settled amongst us.

A final poem read by Leigh was a welcome transition from the woods to the tearoom where hot drinks were waiting for us back at our starting point. We chatted and reflected on our magical morning. Leigh offers Wednesday morning sessions from 8.45 am at the tarn. You can book by emailing or by phone 07436 771 289.

The North Pennines National Landscape team is working in this special area of Cumbria to deliver the Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme. This partnership project for people and nature has been supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. 

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