
Event: Nature’s Calendar at Talkin Tarn

Event: Nature’s Calendar at Talkin Tarn, Sunday 3 October, 10am-1.30pm

Come and celebrate the changing of the seasons and learn how to record the signs of autumn in your area for the Woodland Trust’s Nature’s Calendar database. We’ll meet at the log cabin for 10am and head out on a walk where we’ll encounter trees beginning to take on their autumn colours. Afterwards, we’ll have lunch and look at how you can upload your own records into Nature’s Calendar.

Nature’s Calendar is a long-standing citizen science project, hosted by The Woodland Trust, which dates as far back as 1736. By uploading records of seasonal changes onto the database, you can help scientists answer questions such as what effect weather has on wildlife, and whether climate change is affecting timings in nature.

No prior knowledge is necessary, as we’ll go through the identification of some common trees on the day. This event is open to everyon,- including families. The walk will take approximately 2 hours so bring appropriate clothing and a packed lunch.

Places are limited so booking is essential, book here.

Image of lake with trees around it

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