The National Landscapes family

The North Pennines National Landscape is a member of a family of protected landscapes across the UK.

National Landscapes are unique and irreplaceable national assets and along with National Parks represent our finest countryside.

Protected landscapes family

The purpose of National Landscapes is to look after our finest landscapes, not just for now, but also for our children’s children to cherish and enjoy. They are not just beautiful places to live in, or visit, but are vital for people, nature and climate.


There are 38 National Landscapes in England and Wales, covering 16% of the land area. The North Pennines covers almost 2,000 square kilometres and is the second largest member of this protected landscape family. In terms of landscape quality, National Landscapes are recognised as the equal of our 15 National Parks and are given the same level of protection.


National Landscapes are diverse in character: areas of lowland heath; uplands; gently rolling hills; coastal plains and shingle beaches; each containing unique and fascinating landscape features.

What are National Landscapes?

  • they are national treasures to be shared and cherished by the nation
  • they are protected areas designated by Government and are part of a worldwide family of protected landscapes (IUCN Category V) that includes our own National Parks and those of North America and elsewhere, plus areas like the French Parc Naturelle
  • they are cared for by dedicated management teams working in partnership with local organisations. In the North Pennines this is the National Landscape partnership and team. The National Landscapes Association is the independent organisation which speaks with one voice for all National Landscapes

What we do

The National Landscapes family

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