
Exhibition: Farming, wildlife and landscapes

Exhibition: Farming, wildlife and landscapes

27 July 2023

Two artists working in various media have collaborated for an exhibition celebrating the farming, wildlife, and landscapes of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

‘Farming, wildlife and landscapes’ by amateur artists Janet Love and Alison Lamb will be on show at Bowlees Visitor Centre throughout the month of August.

Janet Love said: “I would describe my section of the exhibition as a loose artistic interpretation of the farmland, flowers and wildlife found in the North Pennines.

“I hope that visitors will appreciate the beauty of the area as interpreted by an amateur artist. I am really pleased to have my work on show at Bowlees Visitor Centre. I visit the centre regularly when walking in the area, and it is a huge asset for the North Pennines.”

Janet enjoys painting in mixed media and drawing in graphite. Her inspiration comes from her joy of taking extensive walks in the Teesdale area, capturing the beauty and peace which surrounds her.

Alison lives and works on a traditional livestock farm in Teesdale. The exhibition shows Alison’s passion for not only the area in which she lives, but also the love of the landscape, wildlife, and domestic farm animals.

Alison Lamb said: “I am inspired by the stunning and varied landscape of the North Pennines, and the relationship between farming this precious landscape whilst conserving and enhancing the environment for the wide range of wildlife species which inhabit the area.

“I hope that my work will give visitors an additional appreciation of the huge range of wildlife that sympathetic and sustainable farming practices can support.”

Simon Wilson, Programme Manager at the North Pennines AONB Partnership said:” We are always pleased to have opportunities to showcase local artists, especially those who take their inspiration from what they see around them in the North Pennines”.

Farming, wildlife, and landscapes is open daily during August, from 10am to 5pm, in the gallery space at Bowlees Visitor Centre. For more information visit the North Pennines AONB Partnership’s website:

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