What we do

Management plan

North Pennines AONB Management Plan


Here you can download a PDF of the statutory Management Plan for the North Pennines AONB.

The area’s five local authorities (Durham, Cumbria and Northumberland County Councils, Eden District Council and Carlisle City Council) have a duty under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000) to act jointly to produce an AONB Management Plan and review it every five years; this duty is discharged on their behalf by the North Pennines AONB Partnership.

The plan provides a framework for action for the conservation and enhancement of wildlife, landscape and aspects of our cultural heritage between 2019 and 2024.

It includes a series of ‘outcomes’ under three main themes:

  • Looking after natural and cultural heritage
  • Valuing and sharing what’s special
  • Nurturing a natural economy

It identifies a series of actions that should be taken to help reverse the decline in our biodiversity, conserve our landscape character, protect our heritage and help people enjoy and understand the area better. The plan also sets out the ‘Top Ten Conservation Priorities’ for the area over the next five years.

The AONB Partnership is developing a series of indicators to help monitor the plan’s implementation. The AONB team also has an ‘Team Plan’ based on the desired outcomes of the AONB Management Plan. This shows how the AONB Partnership staff team will contribute to the implementing the plan up each year.

Everyone can play a role in a looking after the North Pennines – our High Nature Value farmers, land owners and managers, conservation organisations and local communities.

If you commented on the draft plan, and would like to see how your individual comments were addressed, please contact info@northpenninesaonb.org.uk

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