What we do

Outcomes for North Pennines AONB Management Plan

Delivering the North Pennines AONB Management Plan through Farming in Protected Landscapes

Projects funded through the programme will be expected to deliver against the following aspects of the North Pennines AONB Management Plan 2019-2024:

  1. AONB Management Plan Short Term Outcomes (these are the outcomes against which plan delivery is recorded).
  2. Top 10 Conservation Priorities for the North Pennines

Short-Term Outcomes

Farming in Protected Landscapes projects should contribute to at least one, preferably more, of the ‘short term outcomes’ of the AONB Management Plan:

Looking after our natural and cultural heritage

  1. The landscape delivers more for nature, farmers and the public, including climate change mitigation and other natural services
  2. Landscape quality and character is protected and enhanced whilst ensuring essential development takes place
  3. More and bigger areas of habitat are better connected and managed, and biodiversity loss is reversed
  4. Built and other cultural heritage assets are better understood, conserved and managed
  5. More people take action to look after our natural and cultural heritage

Valuing and sharing what’s special

  1. More people and wider audiences enjoy, understand and value our natural and cultural heritage
  2. More people come together to celebrate their heritage and increase local pride
  3. People of all ages have increased opportunity to learn about and be inspired by our natural and cultural heritage
  4. More people get health and wellbeing benefits from nature

Nurturing a natural economy

  1. Nature and culture increasingly underpins the economy and supports local services
  2. Skills and knowledge around natural and cultural heritage have increased

Contact us

If you have a question about the Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme, please email FIPL@northpenninesaonb.org.uk or call 01388 528801 (please note that our office is not always staffed full time as we emerge from the pandemic).

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