What we do

Pennine PeatLIFE

Pennine PeatLIFE

Pennine PeatLIFE is funded by the EU LIFE programme with match funding from Yorkshire WaterUnited Utilities, Northumbrian Water and the Environment Agency. It is led by the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership in collaboration with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and Forest of Bowland AONB Partnership. Through Pennine PeatLIFE we are delivering 1,353 hectares of peatland restoration in the North Pennines, Yorkshire Dales and Forest of Bowland, establishing new restoration techniques to suit the unique climatic conditions and trialling innovative Payment for Ecosystem Services methods to inform future peatland restoration funding streams.

The partners

North Pennines AONB Partnership
The North Pennines AONB Partnership is an alliance of 24 public, statutory and voluntary sector bodies with an interest in the future of the AONB. The work of the Partnership is carried out by its staff team which takes action to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area, to raise awareness of its special qualities and to improve the quality of life for local people.

The North Pennines is one of England’s most special places – a peaceful, unspoilt landscape with a rich history and vibrant natural beauty. It was designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in 1988. The purpose of this nationally recognised designation is the conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of the area. At almost 2,000 sq. kilometres the North Pennines is the second largest of the 46 AONBs (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and is one of the most peaceful and unspoilt places in England. Visit www.landscapesforlife.org.uk for information about the AONB Family.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a local charity working for a county rich in wildlife. We look after over 100 of Yorkshire’s best places for wildlife and encourage people to visit and get involved with their care. We stand up for Yorkshire’s wildlife wherever it is under threat, and work with others to find solutions that benefit both wildlife and people. We inspire thousands of children, families and others every year, reconnecting them with their local environment and wildlife. With the support of these people, we are restoring and recreating a Living Landscape in Yorkshire and raising awareness of, and fighting for, Yorkshire’s Living Sea.

Forest of Bowland AONB
Forest of Bowland AONB is one of England’s finest landscapes and is internationally important for its heather moorland, blanket bog and rare birds.

The AONB is situated in north-west England, covering 803km2 of rural land in the counties of Lancashire (730km2) and North Yorkshire (73km2). The area is bounded to the north and south by the Rivers Lune and Ribble respectively. On its south-eastern edge, Pendle Hill forms a discrete ‘outlier’, which is geologically linked to the rest of the AONB but separated from the main area by the valley of the River Ribble. Approximately 190km2 of the area is blanket bog and upland heath habitat. Lancashire County Council is the host authority for the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The area was designated in February 1964.

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