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Would you like to contribute to the conservation of adders in the North Pennines National Landscape?
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to complete surveys of this iconic reptile, which is now vulnerable to extinction in England, as part of our ‘Adders Up’ project.

Volunteers must attend a training session before being assigned surveys. Link to online webinar – Upcoming Events –Adders, ecology and survey techniques

There are three opportunities to volunteer at Longburnford Quarry, (Durham Wildlife Trust).
30 July, 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
5 August and 11 September, 9am to 12 noon.

The surveys are ideally suited for adults, under 16’s must be supervised by an adult. Walking distances are short, but potentially over un-even terrain and on slopes. Please wear sturdy boots, outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather, bring snacks and drinks and a fully charged mobile phone. No toilets / amenities are present on the sites. Nearest options will be made known at the start of the session during the H&S briefing.
Please contact Henry Barrett for more information.

Please sign up using the volunteer system Better Impact.



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