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During the North Pennines Stargazing Festival why not have a family adventure into space, and introduce the kids to astronomy and science during half term? Grassholme Observatory is holding interactive talks in the classroom, allowing children to see and touch rocks from space. Weather permitting you can head outside for some stargazing through telescopes. Hot chocolate and radiators are there if needed too. All in all, a wonderful introduction to family astronomy under the dark skies of the North Pennines AONB at Grassholme.

Pre-booking is essential via https://www.grassholmeobservatory.com/book/

Cost: £13 (adult) ; £10 (child) ; £12 (concessions); Family (£40)

This event is part of the North Pennines Stargazing Festival running from 22-31 October 2021 – www.NorthPenninesStarFest.org.uk #NorthPennStarFest21 #NPennDarkSkies

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