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Discover the freedom of trail running at night, in the company of experienced runners, as we follow the route of the High Force and Bowlees Geotrail. From Low Force we will run the Pennine Way to High Force. After experiencing the atmosphere of this magical place, under the cover of darkness, we will cross fields back to Bowlees Visitor Centre for tea and cake in front of the fire. This is a 5-mile (8km) trail run over uneven, rocky, muddy and slippery group. Head torches, trail running shoes and full-body waterproofs will be required. No dogs allowed.

This event is part of the North Pennines Stargazing Festival running from 22 to 31 October 2021 – www.NorthPenninesStarFest.org.uk #NorthPennStarFest21 #NPennDarkSkies

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