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This event will concentrate on the exciting field of astrophotography. Nowadays everyone has a camera, whether it is on a smartphone or a good DSLR. But have you
ever used it to capture the night sky? Tonight’s event aims to teach the basics of night photography. You will learn how to utilise the settings of your camera and what they mean and
how to use them wisely on the sky so that you can get some stunning results.

The event leader, Gary Fildes, has over 25 years of experience in imaging the night sky. After an indoor introduction you will head outside to try it for yourself.

Bring your cameras along and start your journey into astrophotography. Bring warm clothes – it can get chilly when we are outside.

This event is part of the North Pennines Stargazing Festival running from 21 to 30 October 2022 – www.NorthPenninesStarFest.org.uk #NorthPennStarFest22

Adults: £30
Concession: £25
Adult: 16+
Concession: Over 65 / Blue badge holder


Book on Grassholme Observatory website

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