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Join Cumbria Wildlife Trust (CWT) and Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre (CBDC) on Friday 10 November, 3 to 5pm, at Hunsonby Community Centre, to test your wildlife identification skills. Have a go at identifying and recording what is around you, and take part in our identification quiz.

We will also share with you the records that have been submitted to and mapped by CBDC over the last four years across the Fellfoot Forward scheme area. Find out how important recording and mapping data is in supporting species and habitat conservation, and to aid nature recovery in the North Pennines.

The event is open to all over the age of 12; children must be supervised by an adult. No dogs are allowed. Please book your place using the Ticketsource link below.

Following this event there is a presentation and discussion around on A more wooded landscape. Why not stay on, have supper with us and find out more about trees in the landscape of the North Pennines. You will need to separately book this event.


This event is part of the North Pennines AONB Partnership’s Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership scheme’s celebration of partnership working towards the recovery of our natural heritage across the North Pennines and Eden valley.



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