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Join Hilary Clarke, from Eden Rivers Trust (ERT), on Friday 10 November, 2.30 to 4.30pm, for a walk through a newly created wetland site near Croglin. The Watery Gill, a tributary of the Cairn Beck, has been re-connected with its pasture, creating a great wetland habitat and slowing the run-off of water down the river system.

Hilary will explain how they have worked closely with the landowners to improve this site for wildlife and maintained a balance with the need for grazing at the site. You will also learn about the wider ERT project work and how to support and get involved with future initiatives.

This event is open to all but no dogs are allowed. Places are limited, please book using the Ticketsource link below.

Following this event, there is a presentation and discussion on the theme of ‘A More Wooded Landscape’ at Hunsonby Community Hall. Why not stay on, have supper with us and find out more about trees in the landscape with the North Pennines AONB Partnership and partners. You will need to book this event separately.

To book  please us the Ticketsource link.


               The words Eden Rivers Trust with a blue and orange kingfisher icon


This event is part of the North Pennines AONB Partnership’s Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme’s celebration of partnership working towards the recovery of our natural heritage across the North Pennines and Eden Valley.

Image credit: Dave Greaves

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