
North Pennine Birdwalks Site 1: Derwent Reservoir

North Pennine Birdwalks Site 1: Derwent Reservoir

Derwent Reservoir can be an interesting place to watch birds at any time of year. Wildfowl such as greylag goose, mallard, teal and tufted duck may be seen year-round, their numbers being swelled during autumn and winter by wigeon, pochard and goldeneye. Large flocks of gulls also congregate on the reservoir during the winter, most notably black-headed, common and herring gull. Other species of interest include grey heron, goosander, cormorant and great crested grebe.

Start location: Multiple viewing points around Derwent Reservoir.
Terrain: Off-road sections and on-road sections.
There is car parking, disabled access, pushchair access, public transport, accessible toilets and a pub nearby.

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