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We are looking for adult volunteers to undertake BeeWalks in the area and we’re offering a free one-day training course, for both beginners and those with experience, to learn about the identification of all 24 British bumblebees.

The course takes place on 16 May from 9.30am to 4.30pm, at Bowlees Visitor Centre in the morning and along the Pennine Way in the afternoon.  The walks and training follow the Bumblebee Conservation Trust’s (BCT) survey methodology and training will include information on the national BeeWalk scheme.

Each BeeWalk would be approximately 1 to 2 km long, encompassing a variety of habitats including a selection of upland hay meadows, woodland, or roadside verges.  The BeeWalks take place from May to September, bi-weekly, and can be carried out individually or paired with another volunteer. The aim is to monitor a selection of meadows pre- and post-restoration to see the impacts upon pollinator abundance, whilst also adding vital data to a countrywide programme run by the BCT. The BeeWalks will be coordinated by a member of the Tees-Swale Farming and Nature Team.

Contact Molly for more information: molly@northpenninesaonb.org.uk.
Please sign up using our Better Impact volunteer system 


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