What we do

Planning and development

Planning and development

A key role of the North Pennines National Landscape team is to promote new development that conserves and enhances the natural beauty of the North Pennines while accommodating the needs of its communities.

The team provides a consistent approach to development across the five local planning authority areas within the North Pennines National Landscape and seeks to help them fulfil their responsibilities set out in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The team also supports pre-application discussions from applicants and relevant local planning authorities.

Any development proposed within or affecting the North Pennines National Landscape will be assessed against relevant national and local polices. The North Pennines National Landscape team has produced guidance and position statements to assist in development control.

If you have a planning or development enquiry related to the North Pennines National Landscape, please contact: Simon Wilson on 01388 528801 or click here to email.

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