Special Invertebrate Sites

Bollihope Burn invertebrate site

Bollihope Burn Special Invertebrate Site

This former limestone quarry boasts flower-rich grassland, riparian woodland, river shingle and a small wetland. 

Seasonal highlights

Green tiger beetles shine like jewels in the short grassland from April onwards, later joined by green hairstreak butterflies. The site comes to life in summer, with aggregations of heather Colletes mining bees busy in sandy areas and the wetland supporting delicate emerald damselflies. Early autumn is a great time to look for spiders, with autumn orb weavers and snake-back spiders found here. River shingle supports rare dance flies, while riverflies can be found year-round within the burn itself.

  • Car parking: lay-by, Bollihope, County Durham, DL13 2SZ
  • Grid reference: NZ 00602 34952
  • Survey route length: 2 miles
  • Terrain: the route follows a rough path which is slippery in places.

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