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Actions for trees and woodlands
Actions for trees and woodlands
The North Pennines AONB Management Plan for 2019 to 2024 outlines a number of actions on trees and woodlands:
- expand the area of woodland cover, with a primary focus on native broadleaves. Encourage natural regeneration wherever possible
- trees should be planted following the principle of the ‘right tree, in the right place’, avoiding peatland, species-rich grassland, important areas for wading birds and historic features; the potential cumulative impact of each new plantation should be recognised
- bring management back to neglected woodlands
- restore plantation on ancient woodland sites through conversion to native broadleaves
- promote diversity in existing conifer plantations by restructuring and restocking with native broadleaves
- encourage markets for wood and wood products to foster woodland management
- end grazing in over-grazed woods and exclude stock from ancient semi-natural woodland (ASNW) unless specifically managed as wood pasture; manage neglected wood pasture to promote structural/biodiversity
- manage veteran trees to ensure they can complete their full life cycle and ensure recruitment of new veterans
- control the spread of non-native species
- promote the planting of single field trees for their future landscape and biodiversity value
- promote hedgerow restoration where these are neglected or lost, including support through ELMS
- understand and adapt to tree pests and diseases (including Ash die-back and Phytophthora austrocedrii)
- minimise risks to wet woodland caused by lowering of the water table through drainage and abstraction, poor water quality, some flood prevention measures and the water-borne fungal disease Phytophthora.