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Accompany us at dusk to the High Helbeck estate on a bat walk, where we will be observing and learning about the different species present on the estate. We will also be discussing the current work taking place on the estate to conserve these important species, and keeping our eyes and ears open for any other nocturnal wildlife we might come across, such as owls.

The High Helbeck Green Recovery Fund Project is a partnership project between estate owners Ben & Nicolete Blackett-Ord, the North Pennines AONB Partnership, the RSPB, the Woodland Trust and Natural England. The Defra-backed project runs from January 2021 to March 2022 and a key part of the scheme is to deliver significant biodiversity benefits to the High Helbeck estate (near Brough, Cumbria) including 80 hectares of peatland restoration, an increase in trees and scrub, covering 153 hectares, and a series of small wetlands to enhance 85 hectares of habitat for breeding wading birds.

This circular route is around 1 mile long and follows tracks and grass tracks. Its fairly easy going and we will be taking our time. Nevertheless please wrap up warm and wear sturdy boots. There are no toilets available and no food or drink is provided. We will supply bat detectors for you to use for the duration of the event. Please bring torches with you. No dogs are permitted on the High Helbeck walks. The track off the road to the parking has many potholes and may have livestock, please drive very slowly to avoid damage to your car or to any livestock or wildlife.

Woodside trackside layby – grid reference – NY810168. If you are unsure of directions, please contact Chris Jones (cjones@northpenninesaonb.org.uk). Please car share where possible as parking is very limited.

Image © Paul Henry / High Helbeck estate

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