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Join RSPB Geltsdale on Tuesday 4 June, 10am to 12 noon, for a guided walk looking at how nature and agriculture can co-exist in the English uplands. You will look at management for breeding waders and the ‘re-wiggling’ of Howgill Beck, grazing cattle with NoFence collars and the Bruthwaite Forest native woodland planting scheme.

Further information about RSPB Geltsdale is available at https://www.rspb.org.uk/days-out/reserves/geltsdale  phone: 01697 746717 geltsdale@rspb.org.uk.
Contact Glen Swainson (Senior Site Manager) on 07736 460522 / glen.swainson@rspb.org.uk with any specific questions.

The event is aimed at children over 12 years and adults with an interest in nature conservation. No dogs please. Public toilets will be available half way round. Meet at the RSPB Geltsdale car park.

This event is free but please book using the Ticketsource link to book.

This event is part of North Pennines NatureFest running from Saturday 24 May to Sunday 9 June 2024. See the full programme at www.NorthPenninesNatureFest.org.uk #NorthPenninesNatureFest24

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