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We are taking action for our precious peatlands with a volunteer day removing invasive tree saplings from a restored blanket bog.

Join us to help protect our peatlands, as we spend remove Sitka spruce saplings which have self-seeded on an area of blanket bog. If these are left to grow, their roots will take up water and dry out the peat, damaging it and reversing the benefits of the restoration work. Peat is our biggest asset in the fight to tackle climate change – we’d like to keep this area of bog continuing on its journey to be fully recovered, healthy, waterlogged, and doing its job to take in and store harmful carbon dioxide.

We will be working at Flow Moss, near Allendale, in the Northumberland part of the North Pennines AONB, pulling saplings out of the ground or cutting them at the base using handsaws. Gloves and all other equipment will be provided. It’s an easy 10-15 minute walk along a footpath to reach the site, then wet, boggy, uneven ground once there. Everyone is welcome, but under 18s need to be accompanied by an adult. The level of activity is of a moderate nature. Please note there are no toilet facilities at the site.

Bring a packed lunch and water, clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather and terrain. Parking location and access information will be provided nearer the time as this is subject to change depending on the number of volunteers taking part.

For more information, please contact clementine@northpenninesaonb.org.uk, 07407 856790

You can register as a volunteer and sign up for this activity using our volunteer system, Better Impact.

This is a rescheduled event. It was originally planned for Bog Day in July but this was cancelled due to bad weather.


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