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Join us online for this interactive bumblebee identification workshop for beginners. Run by Mandy Oliver, you will be introduced to bumblebee ecology and get to grips with the Big 8 – the most common species in the UK. It is perfect for beginners or for refreshing your bumblebee knowledge. This is the first of two training workshops, the second, in-field training will take place on 12th May – more details here.

Although this event will take place online via Zoom (you will receive a link 24 hours before the start), you will need to provide your address as an information pack will be sent out before the session.

Delivered as part of the Tees-Swale: naturally connected programme. Tees-Swale is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and led by the North Pennines AONB Partnership in collaboration with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.


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