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This winter we are holding a series of evening talks with a general theme of the links between farming and nature. Held at the Moorcock Inn in Eggleston, the hour-long talks will be followed by a half hour discussion.

‘Black grouse, cattle and curlews’, led by Patrick Laurie, is the first talk in the series on 16 October. Please arrive from 7.15pm ahead of the talk starting at 7.30pm.

Patrick Laurie has spent fifteen years working on upland conservation projects across the UK, alongside running a hill farm in his native Galloway. In this talk, he will discuss the links between farming and wildlife, and identify opportunities where cattle can be used to provide a boost for biodiversity in the uplands.

Everyone welcome, booking required. If you are a Tees-Swale farmer you can come to this talk for free, please email Ruth Keddle-Starr or Patrick Oulton to get the code.


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Delivered as part of the Tees-Swale: naturally connected programme. Tees-Swale is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and led by the North Pennines AONB Partnership in collaboration with the Yorkshire Dales National Park.



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