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We are building a small stargazing pavilion on the south-eastern side of Talkin Tarn as part of the Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme with Pons Aelius, the designers and makers, and Carlisle City Council.

The pavilion is to be constructed in timber, echoing ancient ‘roundhouse’ construction, with hazel panels wrapped around the outside. All the materials used in the construction are to be sourced locally. The stargazing pavilion will be co-constructed with volunteers who will be making the hazel panels that will encase the green wood uprights and seating.

Green woodworker, Shannon Berry, will lead the hazel panel making workshops. She is passionate about encouraging people into green woodworking and supporting the skills, heritage and the makers that produce those products which offer a sustainable choice. During the 3-day workshops there will be a progression of knowledge and skills as the hazel panels needed for the build are made.

You must be 18 years or over to take part. We anticipate groups of sixteen people on each 3-day workshop. There is a camping area and local accommodation available. We will provide basic packed lunches and a hot meal in the evening. There are facilities for making hot drinks, a fridge, toilets, showers and fire pit on site. All tools and equipment will be provided. We ask you to wear clothing suitable for the work and the weather with sturdy footwear.

To apply for the workshop, please read more and complete the form here.

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