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We are inviting families and volunteers to join us at Clement Leazes, Hallbankgate, helping to connect the landscape through planting hedges. As well as getting some fresh air and exercise, you’ll also be helping to bolster local wildlife, using a diverse hedge mix to boost the farm’s biodiversity as well as create vital habitat highways for wildlife.

The event will run from 10am to approximately 2.30pm and volunteers are welcome to join for all or part of the day. Suitable for all ages, under 16s must be supervised by adults.

Please bring clothing appropriate for the day’s weather, which is likely to require warm, waterproof clothing and sturdy footwear. Work gloves and tools will be provided. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided but please bring snacks, drinks and a flask for hot drinks. Booking is essential.

Clement Leazes, Crossgates Road, Hallbankgate, Brampton, CA8 2PF
Grid ref: NY 58112 59309    /    W3W: ///useful.fear.underline
Parking available at farmyard.

Please sign up to our volunteer system, Better Impact, here. Once accepted, you will be able to see volunteer opportunities and sign up to the hedge planting session.

If you are already on Better Impact, sign into your profile here and then sign up to the hedge planting session.

For any further information, please email Dylan Hardy.

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