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Ginny Whittle : landscapes, Teesdale and beyond

1 – 31 August 2021

An exhibition of artwork by Teesdale artist, Ginny Whittle

Ginny’s work is informed by walking, mountaineering, climbing and camping amongst and on the mountains with her Border Terrier “Tatty” who loves a winter mountain day with firm snow to scamper along to a summit.

She loves to dwell in places visited by the great painters in our local landscapes, like JWM Turner at “Meeting of The Waters” on The Tees; feel their presence; look at the changes time has made on the view.

Ginny is increasingly fascinated by the activities of people in the outdoors and our changing relationship to mountains over time. Because of this she likes to put figures into her paintings; these are basic in form and some are the size of very small ants, but they in their turn inform the landscape.

Ginny has a degree in Fine Art and a teaching qualification. She was selected for The Laing Landscape Competition and exhibited in The Mall Galleries London.

The exhibition runs from 1 – 31 August 2021. There is no need to book. The exhibition is open when the Visitor Centre is, daily from 10am to 4pm.

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