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Join us for a guided botany walk of approximately 3.2km, (2 miles), along The Pennine Way near Low Force waterfall, to see early-flowering wildflowers, such as globeflowers, mountain everlasting, early purple orchid, bird’s-eye primrose, Lady’s-mantles and eyebrights growing alongside the river Tees.

The guided walk starts from Bowlees Visitor Centre car park on Tuesday 4 June at 2pm to 4pm. Please wear suitable footwear as the terrain can be rocky in parts. £2 per person.

This event is part of North Pennines NatureFest running from Saturday 24 May to Sunday 9 June 2024. See the full programme at www.NorthPenninesNatureFest.org.uk #NorthPenninesNatureFest24

Please use the Ticketsource link to book.


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