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A one day workshop in which participants will be introduced to how lime works in every surface and element of a traditional building, and how that can be maintained and improved. Hands-on sessions will cover mortar mixing, repointing masonry, plastering, screeding floors, and limewashing.

This training is aimed at people who have an interest in using lime and building up their skills to support community heritage restoration projects within the Fellfoot Forward LPS area, especially community volunteers involved with the restoration and/or management of community buildings in the scheme area.

Participants have the opportunity to present their community or own buildings as case studies that we can assess and suggest actions for. We’ll discuss the effect of inappropriate materials on old buildings; what structural detailing they need; which modern products are compatible with lime, and best practice, timescales/scheduling of lime-work.

The training will be led by Gemma Sayers, a lime and earth plasterer with ten years experience in earth, stone, straw and timber construction. Her role often entails structural repair work, installing insulation, underfloor heating screeds, and traditional building maintenance. She has led many workshops as well as providing on site training and historic building consultation. Her vision is to demystify traditional building technology and empower people to get involved in the repair and construction of their buildings using natural materials.

The workshop will take place between 9am – 5pm at Eden Hot Lime Mortar, Great Musgrave, Kirkby Stephen.


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