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There’s No Place Like Here is a bespoke workshop for local residents and other interested individuals to share views and stories about the special features of the Fellfoot Forward area. What do you love about this place? What sets it apart? What do you value?

The day will be an opportunity to meet neighbours from across the scheme area, explore together what makes this place special, and add to a map charting a ‘sense of place’. Your views will contribute to a short film and also poetry which will be available for residents and businesses to share.

The workshop will be run by Harriet and Rob Fraser whose creative practice somewhere nowhere focuses on the nature and culture of place. Lunch, tea, coffee and cakes will be provided.


9.30am Arrive, tea/coffee
10am     Introductions, and exploring ‘Sense of Place’
11.15am A short walk (weather permitting)
12pm     Lunch
1pm       Making a mark: mapping what matters
1.45pm  Sharing and reflections
2.30pm Tea and coffee, cake

Map outlining the Fellfoot Forward area

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