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A volunteer opportunity has arisen regarding Pennine Way route improvements which will take place on 9 March 10:00-15:30. We will be installing some wooden cross drains and carrying road planing’s in to resurface a section of the Pennine Way which has become eroded.

Please bring sturdy footwear and warm waterproof clothing. A change of clothes may be useful for the end of the day.
All PPE including work gloves will be provided. The job will involve a walk in of approximately 3/4 mile over rough terrain, carrying heavy materials in sandbags, therefore a good level of fitness will be required. It is suitable for 18+ age. Please contact  jack@northpenninesaonb.org.uk if you have any queries.

Meeting place is the Strathmore Arms, Holwick. grid, Holwick ref: NY 90931 26767 w3w: warrior.effort.cropping.
We will go together to the access point in our truck.

Please sign up using the Better Impact Volunteer link.


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