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Do you have an interest in the historic environment and lead mining heritage of the North Pennines and a passion about its conservation? We have an exciting opportunity to volunteer with us and be trained in photogrammetry. Photogrammetry is an important method of recording historic buildings in a relatively quick, but highly detailed way. Using photographs to create 3D digital models allows the tracking of any changes to the condition to the building, as well as creating a record of any important features.

There will be a free two-day training workshop in photogrammetry which will teach you everything you need to know about creating 3D digital models of historic structures. The dates are 3 and 4 May. This workshop will be run by Jon Bedford, one of Historic England’s photogrammetry specialists. The first day will be based indoors where you will learn what photogrammetry is, how it is used, and how you can create your own models. The second day will be spent on site at a historic structure where you can put what you’ve learned into practice while still working under Jon’s supervision and guidance.

An optional third day in August (date tbc) will be offered to attendees of this workshop to allow you to come back to Jon with any questions or issues about the process once you’ve had a chance to practice your new skills.

Please note, spaces on this workshop are only available to North Pennines volunteers who have signed up to the photogrammetry volunteering role on Better Impact here.



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