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Exclusive access to a new attraction, and dark sky site. Before we start, yes that is a sky replacement edit. Of course it is! The Plotters’ Forest is a brand new attraction, and no-one has been given photography or night access… until now. This is a one-off, due to costs and availability, so if you want to be one of the few with night shots from the Plotters’ Forest, you need to reserve your place now. This workshop is timed perfectly for best visibility of the Milky Way, conditions permitting, of course!

All ability levels are welcome, from absolute beginners and people who have dabbled with night photography, to more experienced photographers.

The workshop also includes access to the entire castle grounds. So when you have finished in the forest, you can get more iconic shots from the front of the castle, or the ponds.

The beauty of taking photographs at night is that you start with a blank canvas, and don’t have to allow for daylight. You can either shoot in available light, or add your own with a torch (don’t worry we will show you how to do this). Cost £53

This event is part of the North Pennines Stargazing Festival running from 21 to 30 October 2022 – www.NorthPenninesStarFest.org.uk #NorthPennStarFest22

Pre-booking essential via https://www.photographyexperiences.com/plottersforest231022

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