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Sue Abel and Susanna Heath : coast to dale

1 – 31 July 2021

An exhibition of artwork by two Weardale artists, Sue Abel and Susanna Heath.

Sue’s creative work moves from painting in oils, acrylics and watercolours to textile work like silk painting and batik decoration. Her work is inspired by the landscapes of the north ease and from her travels to Scotland and the Islands.

Susanna’s work is about places; places where she lives and places she loves to visit. Initially she is inspired by the fleeting effects of light in the landscape. She tries to capture the mood of the scene and the movement; sometimes loud, sometimes peaceful, but always in that moment of time. Susanna usually works “en plein air”, going out into the open elements and painting.

The exhibition runs from1 – 31 July 2021. There is no need to book. The exhibition is open when the Visitor Centre is, daily from 10am to 4pm.

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