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Join us for an intermediate-level course covering bumblebee monitoring and field identification of all 24 British bumblebee species. Delivered by Richard Comont from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as part of the Tees-Swale: naturally connected programme.

This event is for anyone interested in undertaking Beewalks,  you can find more about what that entails here. If you are unsure whether this event is suitable for your knowledge/skills level please contact Molly at molly@northpenninesaonb.org.uk

The day will start with an indoor classroom session covering identification and Beewalk methodology, followed by a field identification session walking along the Pennine Way around Low Force Waterfall.

This event follows the beginner’s session online (04 May) – more information here.


Delivered as part of the Tees-Swale: naturally connected programme. Tees-Swale is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and led by the North Pennines AONB Partnership in collaboration with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.


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