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Join us for a workshop exploring the different opportunities for tree planting on farms. We will run through the funding options for tree and woodland planting in the Teesdale area, from individual field trees and hedgerows to areas of woodland and scrub. After food, there will be a chance for informal discussions and large maps available if you would like to discuss options for your own holding.

This workshop is aimed at farmers/landowners within the Tees-Swale: naturally connected programme area but those from elsewhere within the North Pennines AONB are also welcome to attend.

To book onto the workshop, please email Patrick Oulton (include any dietary requirements): patrick@northpenninesaonb.org.uk


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Delivered as part of the Tees-Swale: naturally connected programme. Tees-Swale is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and led by the North Pennines AONB Partnership in collaboration with the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

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