Special Invertebrate Sites

Baal Hill invertebrate site

Baal Hill Special Invertebrate Site

Baal Hill is a relic of ancient upland birch and oak woodland, featuring fantastic examples of deadwood, sunlit woodland glades and a flower-rich understory. 

Seasonal highlights

While pill millipedes and kidney-spot ladybirds can be found in the woodland all year round, the site shines during June and July, with flowery glades supporting great pied hoverflies, wall butterflies and common green lacewings. Meanwhile, four-banded longhorn beetles breed on deadwood, green longhorn moths lay eggs into leaf litter and black sexton beetles care for their young on carrion.

  • Car parking: lay-by, Holywell lane, Wolsingham, Weardale, County Durham, DL13 3HB
  • Grid reference: NZ 07711 37859
  • Survey route length: 1.3 miles
  • Terrain: the route follows an uneven bare track with some steep slopes, stairs and wet areas.

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