
North Pennine Birdwalks 1: Lambley & the South Tyne

North Pennine Birdwalks 1:
Lambley & the South Tyne

This 8 mile/13km walk combines a number of different North Pennine habitats to dramatic effect. You will pass through an expansive area of rushy allotment adjacent to heather moorland where in spring and summer the air is alive with the sounds and sights of numerous breeding waders. The views across the South Tyne Valley are similarly impressive.

By contrast, the second leg of the walk passes along the route of a disused railway line that is largely clothed in woodland, offering tantalising glimpses of the surrounding countryside and excellent opportunities to see and hear woodland birds. The walk centres on Lambley Viaduct, a stunning landscape and architectural feature from where the River South Tyne and its wildlife can be viewed from on high.

Start location: Lambley Viaduct – South Tyne Trail car park (NY679595).
Terrain: Boggy ground, off-road sections, on-road sections.
There is car parking and public transport available.

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